
guidelines for nuclear transfers معنى

  • المبادئ التوجيهية بشأن نقل المواد النووية
  • guidelines    n. الدليل الموجز; ...
  • for    conj. لأجل, عوضا ع ...
  • nuclear    adj. نووي, ذري; n. ...
  • nuclear transfers    نقل المواد النووية
  • transfers    الإنتقالات

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. guidelines for international transfers of dual-use goods and technologies and high technology with military applications معنى
  2. guidelines for interviewing unaccompanied refugee children and adolescents and preparing social histories معنى
  3. guidelines for monitoring the availability and use of obstetric services معنى
  4. guidelines for multinational enterprises معنى
  5. guidelines for national programmes of action in implementation of the social development strategy for the escap region معنى
  6. guidelines for nursing management of people infected with human immunodeficiency virus معنى
  7. guidelines for programme support document معنى
  8. guidelines for public information components in united nations peacekeeping and other field missions معنى
  9. guidelines for radionuclides in food following accidental nuclear contamination for use in international trade معنى
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